Company History:
Farmers Edge was founded in 2005 by two agronomists, Wade Barnes and Curtis McKinnon, in Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada. The company was one of the first to introduce variable rate technology in Canada, and rapidly expanded into the United States with their service offerings. Today, the company is recognized as a global leader in digital agriculture, transforming big data into timely and accurate insights to support informed decision-making on the farm.

The Problem They are Looking to Solve:
The co-founders were inspired by the possibilities in precision farming with variable rate technology. They believed applying inputs with precision could change the world. They quickly realized technology allowed growers to keep precise data records to help guide their decision-making year after year and they expanded their offerings.
Today, a suite of advanced digital tools addresses all areas of crop production, from seed selection to yield data analytics, to deliver decision-support for the grower and their trusted farm advisors.
The Product:
FarmCommand® combines field-centric data, satellite imagery, predictive modeling, agronomy and advanced analytics. It transforms information into actionable insights to inform decisions, minimize environmental impact and protect the economic viability of the farm.
Weather data
FarmCommand includes access to a network of advanced on-farm weather stations and temperature inversion towers to support crop monitoring and operational decisions including 48-hour hourly and 10-day daily forecasts, historical weather data, enhanced radar and severe weather alerts, Delta-T conditions, total rainfall and other tailored weather notifications.
Satellite Imagery
Combining high-frequency satellite imagery, unique map layers and automatic health change detection, Farmers Edge provides timely, field-level insights for crop monitoring, identifying yield threats and understanding the impact of environmental or operational damage. With imagery processed within 48 hours, the technology helps growers detect and respond to issues before yield is impacted.
Scouting Tool
FarmCommand increases the efficiency of scouting activities by combining imagery-derived map layers with advanced scouting technology. Designed for in-field use, the tool makes it easy to pinpoint issues, record observations and schedule corrective actions to protect yield.
Equipment Monitoring
Powered by CanPlug, an in-field telematics device, FarmCommand connects a mixed-fleet to provide a complete overview of every machine, operator and field activity, from inside and outside of the cab, no matter the machine’s make or model.
In-Cab Experience
In-Cab Experience can be used in the cab or remotely to monitor field activities, plan jobs and make changes on the go. Stream real-time equipment values along with planting, spraying, fertilizer application, harvest and field maintenance data from anywhere using a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Predictive Modeling
Driven by field-centric data, agronomy, machine learning and AI analytics, FarmCommand provides predictive models to support scouting accuracy, application timing and threshold identification by modeling crop growth stages, pest and nitrogen.
FarmCommand provides access to unbiased seed and variety performance data to support seed selection and crop rotation decisions. Growers can compare how their field performed against other farms by plant date, organic matter, total nitrogen, precipitation, seeding rate, crop rotation and more.

The Value:
The platform is integrated. It combines hardware, software, agronomy and support to address all major variables of crop production.
The data is accurate, valid, reliable, consistent and free from bias. The data is collected, transferred, managed and analyzed safely and securely field-by-field, zone-by-zone.
Who It’s Designed For:
Any farmer, no matter where you are on your digital ag journey. Whether you’re looking to adopt digital tools on your farm for the first time, or if you’re technologically savvy and looking for the next innovation, these digital tools and products have something to offer all growers who want to make decisions supported by data.
Data privacy and adoption can be challenges. Some growers have concerns about data privacy; they want to know who is collecting their data and how they are using it. When working with Farmers Edge, the grower is always the sole and exclusive owner of their data.
Straying from generations of traditional farming practices can be a challenge for some growers. There are younger growers who are excited about the technologies, who understand it and want to use it, but their parents or other family members are hesitant to digitize the farm.
Ultimate Goal of the Company:
Farmers Edge wants to help growers around the world digitize their farms to make data-driven decisions that improve efficiency, sustainability and profitability. This expands beyond agronomics. As more and more farms become digitized, the industry is rapidly evolving. It has already crossed over into other sectors such as insurance and lending, making data a valuable digital asset to those who have adopted digital strategies on their farms.